
Ozine, death note, MoA and tofu

There was a generous amount of fun last weekend with birthday/swim parties, conventions, an aborted movie marathon and long walks in my bitch heels. It's like I'm hoarding all the fun just in time for Holy Week where God tells us not to have too much fun, mkay?

Lulz, I still feel odd not having any birthday plans.


Last Sunday, was Ozine fest 2007. Got pretty tired of all the Naruto cosplayers and eventually bored with the repetitive Rozen Maiden and Death Note cosplayers (Ryuuk and Remu not included). Gundams and transformers and all sorts of large-scale cosplays are still made of win and cool while chibi Sailormoons are losing its cute factor (at least their costumes were elaborate. So much pearls! So much kira kira!).

I took pictures of some cosplayers but my film roll was dominated by non-cosplaying otaku styles. There were cute outfits, cliche "anime school girl" outfits and the eer present goth. It was a good time to take pictures. This kind is part of my thesis research :D

I got free arts from Patrick, the long lost Berd and the amazing Kuya Wilson Tortosa. Will scan/take pictures as soon as my scanner stops being funky.


The following day (monday), I had a meeting with fellow org-officers concerning the Org's scheduled events for the upcoming year. Then Petter and I went home to watch the Death Note movies and read a bit of Yamada. Twas a very good day.


Yesterday, I went to the HOOGE Mall of Asia with my long lost high school friends Eunice and Johanna. That was a lot of fun (even with my beautiful feet contraption I call my Fiorucci heels) I watched 300 for the 3rd time. :D One more and I've finally hit my 1,200 mark!! :D

I spotted some glue-on nail jewels at one of the craft shops in MoA. It's only 70 pesos so I believe I shall buy it :D And pale, ballerina pink nail colour. Yis. :3


Today is 'hand around, draw, watch a couple of movies, disregard your damn diet and read a book or two' day for Petter and I. Since we're low on funds, I decided we can have lunch here at home, read a comic books, draw, watch movies and just talk. Kinda like the Kada's infamous geek-outs (NEXT WEEK!!!). I'm quite excited.

Today , we'll buy a tub of vanilla ice cream and mix it with a bit of my mum's coffee. Yumm. :3


On sunday (april 8th) we can officially start celebrating my birthday xD I' not sure when the La Sallians start their summer so I'll ask around. I want my geek out complete ya knoes.

I missed you lot!!! ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

La Sallians generally start their summer vacation next week. This week is their finals exam. :3