
This day should be over

I had a surprisingly good day yesterday, even though it was sprinkled with unwanted flubs and overspending (I'm seriously running low on funds).

My Life Painting plate didn't suck so much (I got an 86 for 3 hours of crammed and crabby work!) and even though I flubbed (read: lost my balance for a nano-second) during the model screening, I passed it with my other model Jam (Muchos thanks to Johan and Asia!!). Sadly, my model of uber-choice, Karla (read: CFAD twin), didn't make the cut.

Some stupid fashion director of some agency asked her if she was willing to loose weight. What? I wanted my model to be curvy! As much as possible, I wanted them to be not stick thin! Not stick thin!! But to save the drama and wasted time, I decided to get the other model Asia got me.

So I have two semi-professional models and a cousin (Maui! ♥) under my management. I'll pay for all of their expenses and then some (regular trips to Starbucks so that they can have a good working relationship. Ha ha.). Oh, and me.

Hello? Do I see another Starbucks planner soon?? I hope not!

Speaking of which, I named my Starbucks planner Bebii.

Bebii is currently full of fashion show stressing, late Animation requirements, bugging of the sponsor-like sort and Pep Squad meetings. I never thought I had such a packed schedule!! I guess my need to fill up Bebii with the things I have to do contributes to me being so stressed and mataray. I don't want to see my Bebii go to waste, kasi naman sayang yung coffee and the permanent dent on my wallet and nervous system.

So much work! Pep Squad pa. I've been transfered from the Booster (taga-sigaw) department to the Drummer (taga-tambol) department. I'm not eve sure if I'm a bass or a snare drummer. God, I don't even know if I have what it takes. Bahala na.


By the by, I created a fashion blog for my designs, fashion show schedule, details and my fashion-related opinions. It's still a work in progress.


Drop me a line! Show me that you love me!

♥♥ Creole

Today's saving factor: It's a weekend!

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