
Oh I wish I could write

I was never much of a writer but I did write a story or two (personal stories. Essays and other required shizats are not counted). There are moments where I believe I was a god with words. I expressed love and angst with so much power some of my dear anonymous readers (I used to post avidly in ff.net) would gush and scream MORE!. But most of the time, I spew crap much like this.

Oh I wish I was blessed with the gift to transform words into brain pictures.

Maybe I should start writing again. Fiction. About love and heartache and kisses inside dingy bars. Because I'm still a teenager and I would like to write about how dramatic my pseudo-life would be. Or maybe I should just write.

I always feel the need to be wonderful at something. Especially writing and the arts since I'm in art school and my mum is an excellent writer.

I should also start writing in complete sentences and with proper grammar.


Le hay.


Anonymous said...

I gave up on fiction and poetry a long time ago. Non-fiction's so much funnier. Yo, Creole!

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