
Tadpole feet

I'm cramming my adprac media plan assignment which isn't very smart, but at least the time pressure makes me think better. If my environment is lax, my brain is lax. I have bad work ethics. Boooo.


Advan shoes are awesome. Sure, your feet resemble tadpoles when you wear a pair, but they're awweeesooome. In a sea of Nikes, Adidas and Chucks, you standout with your tadpole feet. Tadfeet. And they're dirt cheap too. I believe a pair of lace ups are 150 pesos and the Vans-type are 200 or something? Basta, they're cheap. I'll buy a pair someday and paint on them.

So it's sad when this personal pinoy pop-icon (it reminds me of PE days in STC --ew--) doesn't even have information available on the web. Another advan shoe pops up and it's from Japan. I want my canvas tadfeet shoes!


I saw the trailer for 300 today. Oh gosh, I almost wet myself. I plan on breaking doors and other forms of public property after watching it next week :3 We also plan on eating in Mister Kabab after because it's Persian food. If we see the owner of the said establishment, we'll restrain ourselves from kicking him in the guts and into the vat of white garlic sauce. :D :D

Soooo excited!


I'm doing my media plan now to JT's FutureSex.LoveSounds and I can't think!! D: D;
