
Love, peace and understanding

I have nothing to blog about even though there are a couple of things worth noting.

We don't have classes today and tomorrow and only one subject on saturday (DAMN YOU PRO ETH!!). We don't have classes today because of a super typhoon.

See? I'm not in a writing mood. No thought provoking entry toady kiddies.


I don't know why I'm so out of it lately. My designs for Fashion Design were all uninspired and screams of "BLAH. Do better!" And these are street/casual wear, mind you. They were all very Seventeen or Candy. It's so annoying! I want to be Flaunt! I want to be Nylon! I want to be Preview (fashion editorial, mind.)


I picked up my super late copy of Preview and Mega and it's was quite ok. I mean, I read Preview and I was amused and entertained by the stuff in it. They were conservavocative (conservativep-provocative. Word owned by Creole. Thanks). Not entirely refreshing but they were at least different.

Mega bored me to sleep. Literally. If it wasn't for the fact that I had to flip the pages (in hopes of finding something remotely interesting) I could have drifted off to sleep. Actually, immedeatly after finishing flipping through the magazine, I laid on my side and slept.

You know there something wrong with your magazine if people feel compelled to sleep after they finish reading about your badly-documented parties. Le sigh!

I wish fashion would stop being so damn "cutting edge". It's like all that FASHION SUICIDE from 13 Going on 30. We'd like to see something warm, something achievable and yet aspirational! We want to see editorials under the sun, with neon eyeshadow and smiles!

All these fashion editorials in our haute fashion magazines inspire less and less smiles everyday.


Oh look, a thought provoking entry.


I love fashion but I'm so bored with it. (Yes, even with all the patent and glitter and studs and gold.)


I guess I should say something about the storm.

I hope everyone is well in this rather scary time. Board up your windows, cut loose branches and stock up. Charge all your mobile phones and laptops, get your candles, emergency radios and batteries up.

Creole, it's a typhoon, not armageddon.




Now I feel like writing a million things and a million thoughts. I'm talking to Eunice right now. She's my long-lost high school friend. OH HOW I MISSED HER!!


Now, I have to get back to work. Bwahaha.

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