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So I created this blog for the kids who've been asking me if I keep a blog. I say yes, they ask me the URL I tell them it's "Friends Only". "Are we not friends?" "Shut up."

So this is where I post all my stuff. Not all the dirt (and not much of it since I'm cleaning my act up. Yuh yuh.) and the "OMG I HATE HURRRRRR." (There'll be non of that I hope.) but pretty much what I've been thinking, what keeps me busy, what keeps me sane and what keeps me writing on blogs.

I have several accounts on several sites (I actually have 3 on blogger alone and 4 over at LJ) but I never seem to write about my life. It's always "I feel down" or "whoopee I kissed/kicked major ass today!" and that's literally it. So yeah, I want a report. My thoughts, my shits, my giggles and what I had for lunch and what's in store.

Wow, this post sounds like an actual blog entry!



Today was the last day of CFAD week, I'm still feeling utterly woozy and sick and crampy (There are moments in my life I wish I had a penis rather than this thing right here.) we had Velez in the morning. A quiz (got a 91, thank God!) and a discussion on segmentation (am partly glad for skimming through BFF Nicenet and seeing the segmentation bit under documents). It ended pretty quickly but we tackled quite a bit.

I didn't eat lunch. Sat with some of the AdDos kids until we pretty much decided to skip Pro Eth ("La-a-a-a-ambert!") to go to the CFAD party.

Partied with The Bloomfields, played with my neon plastic hoops and got a "Miss Personality (Advertising)" award from the student body. So, thank you, I guess.

Went home before Chicosci went on. My cramps were killing me!


I miss the boyfriend. Wasn't able to see him much. Misses him so.

Ohlol. Just remembered. He looks like Daniel Radcliffe at some angles (maybe it's just me, or maybe it's the fact my sister points it out. I'm quite guillible.)

Uhm yeah. I'm the Cho Chang to his Harry Potter, baby.

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